
Martin Janecký.

Martin Janecký

(*29. 2. 1980)

začal pracovat se sklem už ve svých třinácti letech ve firmě svého otce v České republice. Po absolvování Střední průmyslové školy sklářské v Novém Boru získával zkušenosti například v Jižní Africe, Švédsku, Nizozemsku a především v USA, kde studoval na Pilchuck Glass School u Richarda Royala a Williama Morrise.

Záhy se stal též vyhledávaným pedagogem-lektorem. Byl hostujícím umělcem a lektorem v mnoha sklářských programech, jako například ve Studiu Muzea skla v Corningu, sklářské škole v Pilchucku, Penlandské školy řemesel, Univerzity v Tojamě. Proslul především bravurním zvládnutím technologie tvarování skla zevnitř žhavé baňky, tzv. inside bubble sculpting, jejíž pomocí vytváří jedinečné skulptury. V roce 2019 založil na pražské Kampě vlastní sklářské studio - Janecký Studio.

Martin Janecký je dnes považován za jednoho z nejlepších sklářských sochařů na světě. Svá díla vystavuje v galeriích a muzeích po celém světě.

2006 - 2007
Pilchuck Glass School, USA / William Morris
Pilchuck Glass School, USA / Richard Royal
Střední průmyslová škola sklářská, Nový Bor, CZ

Profesní zkušenosti

předvádějící umělec:
Real Fabrica de Cristales de La Granja, ES
Fluïd Creation Verre, Belle-Île-en-Mer, FR
Glass Nexus Forum, Lybster, UK
Lava Glass, Taupo, NZ
Biot International Glass Festival, Biot, FR
Corning Museum of Glass, USA
GAS Conference, Murano, IT
Corning Studios Residency, USA
Corning Museum of Glass Residency, USA
University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI, USA
Makai Glass Studio, Maui, HI, USA
Visiting Artist, Soneva Fushi, Maldives
Hitop Artists, WA, USA
Real Fabrica de Cristales de La Granja, ES
5.International Glass Festival, Eskişehir, TR
141 Penn Studios, Los Angeles, USA
San Bernardino University, California, USA
University of Toyama, JP
23ème Festival international des Arts du Verre, Palau del Vidre, FR
Sklářská Huť František, Sázava, CZ
Fluïd Creation Verre, Belle-Île-en-Mer, FR
Pittsburg Glass Center, Pittsburgh, USA
Corning Museum of Glass, NY, USA
SOFA, Chicago, USA
ACAV, Barcelona, ES
Glassworks demonstration for the Embassy of the Czech Republic, Canberra, AU
JamFactory, Adelaide, AU
Tacoma Museum of Glass, Tacoma, USA
The Glass Hub, Stowford, UK
The School of Design, Bornholm, DK
Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam, NL
National Glass Centre, Sunderland, UK
National Glass Museum, Leerdam, NL
Hsinchu International Glass Art Festival, Hsinchu, TW
Chrysler Museum of Art: Artist in Residence, Norfolk, USA
Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam, NL
National Glass Museum, Leerdam, NL
I. International Odunpazarı Glass Festival, TR
Academy of Fine Arts, Wroclaw, PL
Pilchuck Glass School, Stanwood, USA (s/with Tom Moore)
Penn Studios, Los Angeles, USA
I. International Odunpazarı Glass Festival, TR
Ignite Glass Studios, Chicago, USA
Wheaton Village Museum of American Glass, Millville, USA
SOFA, Chicago, USA
Bay Area Glass Institute, San Jose, USA
Glass Art Society Conference, Louisville, USA
Warwick Glass Studio, Fairbanks, USA
International Glass Symposium 2009, Nový Bor, CZ
Pilchuck Glass School, Stanwood, USA
Penland School of Crafts, Bakersville, USA (realizace/collaboration with Cristina Córdova)
Praha, CZ (realizace/collaboration with Petr Nikl)
Corning, USA (pro/for Jim Mongrain)
Corning Museum of Glass, Corning, USA
University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, USA
Illinois State University, Bloomington, USA
Corning Museum of Glass, Corning, USA (realizace pro/for Jiří Harcuba)
Los Angeles, USA (realizace pro/for Alexandra Nechita)
Warwick Glass Studio, Fairbanks, USA
Pittsburgh Glass Center, Pittsburgh, USA (pro/for Therman Statom)
Tacoma Museum of Glass, Tacoma, USA
Public Glass, San Francisco, USA
Glass Center, Omaha, USA
Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, USA
Pilchuck Glass School, Stanwood, USA
Corning Museum of Glass, Corning, USA
Pilchuck Glass School, Stanwood, USA (asistent/assistant to Karen Willenbrink, William Morris)
Pilchuck Glass School, Stanwood, USA (asistent/assistant to Karen Willenbrink, William Morris)
Preston Singletary, Seattle, USA
Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, USA
Corning Museum of Glass, Corning, USA
Pilchuck Glass School, Stanwood, USA (asistent/assistant to Karen Willenbrink)
University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, USA
Pilchuck Glass School, Stanwood, USA (s/with Pike Powers, Therman Statom, Randy Walker)
Tacoma Museum of Glass, Tacoma, USA (s/with Petr Novotný)
Miami University, Miami, USA
Penland School of Crafts, Bakersville, USA
Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, USA
Corning Museum of Glass, Corning, USA
Realizace/Gaffer for René Roubíček
Sklárna Ajeto (realizace/gaffer for Petr Novotný, Bořek Šípek), Lindava, CZ
Realizace/Gaffer for Tony Cragg, Bernard Hessen, Leerdam, NL
Sahaj Glass Studio, New York, USA
Realizace/Gaffer for Liz Lacey, Johannesburg, ZAF
Realizace/Gaffer for Milan Vobruba, CZ, SE
Realizace/Gaffer for Liz Lacey, Johannesburg, ZAF
The Barn Art and Glass studio (realizace/gaffer for David Reade), Cape Town, ZAF
Realizace/Gaffer for Milan Vobruba, SE
Sklárna Harmonia, CZ
Corning Studios, Corning Museum of Glass, Corning, USA
Pilchuck Glass School, Stanwood, USA
Corning Studios, Corning Museum of Glass, Corning, USA
Corning Studios, Corning Museum of Glass, Corning, USA
Urban Glass School, New York, USA
Pilchuck Glass School, Stanwood, USA
Corning Studios, Corning Museum of Glass, Corning, USA
Pratt Fine Arts Center, Seattle, USA
Cesty skla\Ways of glass, Sázava, CZ
Corning Museum of Glass, Corning, USA
ACAV, Barcelona, ES
Urban Glass School, New York, USA
The Australian National University, School of Art, Canberra, AU
Canberra Glassworks, Canberra, AU
JamFactory, Adelaide, AU
Bild-Werk-Frauenau, Frauenau, DE
California College of the Arts, Oakland, USA
Corning Museum of Glass, Corning, USA
Corning Studios, Corning Museum of Glass, Corning, USA
Toyama City Institute of Glass Art, Toyama, JP
Pittsburgh Glass Center, Pittsburgh, USA
Corning Museum of Glass, Corning, USA (spolupráce/cooperation with Petr Novotný)
Pratt Fine Arts Center, Seattle, USA
The Glass Furnace, Istanbul, TR
Corning Museum of Glass, Corning, USA
The Toledo Museum of Art, Toledo, USA
Pilchuck Glass School, Stanwood, USA
Penland School of Crafts, Bakersville, USA
Corning Museum of Glass, Corning, USA
Hastings College, Hastings, USA
Bay Area Glass Institute, San Jose, USA
The Glass Furnace, Istanbul, TR
Aya Glass Studio, Tokyo, JP
Corning Museum of Glass, Corning, USA
Corning Museum of Glass, Corning, USA
Pittsburgh Glass Center, Pittsburgh, USA
Neusole Glassworks, Cincinnati, USA
Penland School of Crafts, Bakersville, USA
Penland School of Crafts, Bakersville, USA (s Ross Richmont)
Corning Museum of Glass, Corning, USA (s Petr Novotný)
Viccolo Studio, Los Angeles, USA
Eugene Glass School, Eugene, USA
Penland School of Crafts, Bakersville, USA
Pratt Fine Arts Center, Seattle, USA
Public Glass, San Francisco, USA
Corning Museum of Glass, Corning, USA
Penland School of Crafts, Bakersville, USA
Corning Museum of Glass, Corning, USA
Pilchuck Glass School, Stanwood, USA (asistent/teaching assistant for Petr Novotný)
Centre for the Development of Glass Industry, Firozabad, IN (asistent/teaching assistant for Petr Novotný)
Sklářské studio Bon, Nový Bor, CZ
Pretoria, ZAF
vybrané výstavy:
Starmen and Other Studio Work in Glass, Museum of Decorative Arts in Prague, CZ
Skleněný kaleidoskop, František Skála a Martin Janecký, Galerie Kuzebauch, CZ
Collect art fair, w. North Lands Creative, London, UK
Art in Oisterwijk, Etienne Gallery, NL
Pleiad of Glass 1946-2019, Museum of Decorative Arts in Prague, CZ
Heller Gallery, solo exhibition, NYC
Schantz Galleries, MA, USA
Kuzebauch Gallery, solo exhibition, Praha, CZ
Museum Kampa/Portheimka Permanent Exhibition of Contemporary Glass Art, Praha, CZ
ArtPrague, w. Kuzebauch Gallery, Praha, CZ
SOFA Chicago, w. Heller Gallery, USA
TRESOR Basel, w. Kuzebauch Gallery, Basel, CH
23ème Festival international des Arts du Verre, Palau del Vidre, FR
Prague NOW!, Praha, CZ
Vessel Gallery, London, UK
DSC Gallery, Praha, CZ
SOFA Chicago, USA
ArtPrague, Praha, CZ
Slow! Glass! Kuzebauch Gallery, Ambiente, Frankfurt am Main, DE
Sklářské muzeum Nový Bor, solo exhibition, Nový Bor, CZ
Taos Institute for Glass Arts, Taos, USA
Mesa Arts Center, Mesa, USA
Fort Wayne Museum of Art, Fort Wayne, USA
SOFA Chicago, USA
Habatat Galleries, solo exhibition, USA
Art Palm Beach, USA
SOFA Chicago, w. Habatat Galleries, USA
Art Palm Beach, USA
SOFA Chicago, w. Habatat Galleries, USA
Habatat Gallery, solo exhibition, USA
Rising Star Presenter, Wheaton Village Museum of American Glass, Millville, USA
Art Palm Beach, USA
SOFA Santa Fe, USA
Portmoneum - Muzeum Josefa Váchala, Litomyšl, CZ
New Glass and Photography, Berlin, DE
38th International Glass Invitational, Habatat Gallery, USA
The International Exhibition of Glass Kanazawa 2010, JP
SOFA Chicago, w. Habatat Galleries, USA
Sklářské muzeum Nový Bor, Nový Bor, CZ
Habatat Gallery, Chicago, USA
Traver Gallery, Tacoma, USA
Marta Hewett Gallery, Cincinnati, USA
International Glass Symposium Exhibition 2009, Ajeto Museum Bor, CZ
Jean-Claude Chapelotte Gallery, Luxembourg, LU
Galerie K! Maastricht, NL
Habatat Gallery, Chicago, USA
36th International Glass Invitational, Habatat Gallery, USA
Habatat Gallery, Chicago, USA
35th International Glass Invitational, Habatat Gallery, Royal Oak, USA
Marta Hewett Gallery, solo Exhibition, Cincinnati, USA
Pilchuck Auction, Seattle, USA
SOFA, Chicago, USA
Řemeslo a umění ve skle 2006, Sklářské muzeum Nový Bor, CZ
Marta Hewett Gallery, Cincinnati, USA
Pilchuck Glass School, Stanwood, USA
Pilchuck Auction, Seattle, USA
Collectors Award Dennis and Barbara Dubois, 38th International Glass Invitational Awards Exhibition, Habatat Gall
Artist of the Month, Art Alliance for Contemporary Art, USA
Kaiser Foundation Award, Pilchuck Glass School, USA
Nominated for the SAXE award for the best TA, Pilchuck Glass School, USA
Řemeslo a umění ve skle, Sklářské muzeum Nový Bor, CZ